Look, trees! Ohio doesn't look a whole lot different from Indiana, does it? We have been on route 90 which is the most expensive road we have ever driven. We haven't done an official tally, but so far we have spent between 30 and 40 dollars in tolls just to get through Illinois and Indiana. We will soon get hit with our Ohio toll which will be close to $20. The toll would be tolerable if it weren't for the fact that route 90 is in terrible disrepair. The roads are ridiculously bumpy and patchy. The camper bobs along behind us like a little bouncy ball on a tether. Every time we stop for gas I go back to the camper to pick up all the stuff that has flown out of the cabinets. It looks like a mini tornado has blown through it.
Note: I was way off on the toll. It was $30 for Ohio.
Note: I was way off on the toll. It was $30 for Ohio.