Cousin Rob's

After seeing his band last night cousin Rob invited us over for little pizza and swimming today. It was like an oasis, and it was nice to see Rob and his family too.


donnadaye said…
We were with Joan and Rich tonight. You all were the topic of much discussion. It made us all very happy to know you were getting to spend time together. So cool.
Rich@Joan said…
We are thrilled that you folks got together. We will be sitting beside that pool at the Texas Fenton Spa on Friday. Rob wished you could have seen the show last Friday or next Friday, more family oriented. Can't wait to see you upon your return. Have a safe and wonderful adventure.
Unknown said…
Hey Guys,
Any more pictures from visiting Rob and family? Would love to see them!
The oasis area and more pics of the family would be nice to see.

It is Tuesday, haven't heard from you all since Sunday....where in the world are you????
Luke Reynolds said…
Looks like you guys are having a blast! It was wonderful to get to see you here in Flagstaff for a little while...