We made it to the western edge of Pennsylvania and decided to stop for the night. We piled all the stuff we are hauling with us from the bed of the brat into the cab. This included all the extra car parts (headlights, hoses, fluids, engine head, gaskets, wires, etc), the jump seats, our backpacks, and coats. Then we crawled into the 5 ft. bed and slept remarkably well. We laid out a three inch thick foam mattress that filled the bed and made all the difference.
We woke up at 7, and after shifting stuff back to the cab and push-starting the car because I left the power switch in the wrong position, we headed straight to Home Depot to buy a sheet of metal to patch up the Fred Flintstone-ish hole that opened up in the floor of the drivers side. Yikes. It's big enough to put your foot through, but luckily that didn't happen.
Fill up: 9.813 gallons
$2.199/ gal
Odometer: 171751.0
Hermitage, PA
30.05 mpg