The engine started getting really warm about 40 miles outside of Albuquerque, NM. Then the belt broke and it now won't stay cool at all. We're going to try to get to town by driving up the hills and then killing the engine to drift down the other side. Bill is really good at this, but I wish it were all downhill the rest of the way. It's turning out to be uphill and then kind of flat. There doesn't seem to be a down side to these hills. I'll bet he's wishing that we had rented an rv.
3 1/2 hours later...
I can't believe we made it to the parts store. It was 22 miles to the nearest one. We bought two new belts and a thermostat. We only had to exchange parts twice to get the right ones. Now she purrs like a kitten, says Bill.
mmm...dinner at Carl's Jr. on old Route 66 in Albuquerque. Great chocolate shakes they have. In the parking lot we bought apple scented candles from a little kid named Martin (say Mar-teen'). He was selling them for a "really great program" that he was part of. He had us smell every single candle and incense stick he had available. Orange was his favorite. How could we say no?
it's dark now and, oh boy, if there isn't more betty-trouble. she is sputtering now off and on. kind of like she doesn't get enough gas. but not all the time. we've already replaced the fuel and air filter. Bill thinks it's an electrical problem. maybe the problem will just go away.